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Laser phoresis

The necessary equipment:

  1. Laser therapy device LASMIK-01 or LASMIK-03
  2. Laser head of continuous illumination KLO-635-15
  3. Laser head of continuous illumination KLO-780-90
  4. Cosmetology nozzle LASMIK
  5. Laser head of pulsed illumination LO-904-20
  6. Rectal (P-1, P-2, P-3) and gynecological nozzles (G-1, G-2, G-3)

Laser phoresis is one of the most modern physico-pharmacological methods for combined percutaneous exposure of LILI and medicine. As a result of carrying out LILI procedure on the area with applied biologically active substance (gel or an aqueous solution), its penetration through the skin (pores and hair follicles) is activated. Such a percutaneous non-injection technique of introducing a substance is possible only for low molecular weight (no more than 500 kDa) and hydrophilic compounds [Moskvin S.V. et al. 2013].

Techniques parameters (top down by efficiency):

  • continuous LILR of the red spectrum (635 nm), power density (PD) – 10–15 mW / cm2;
  • pulsed IR LILI (890–904 nm), PD — 8–10 W / cm2, pulse duration 100–150 ns, frequency 80 Hz (does not change);
  • continuous LILI of red spectrum (780–785 nm), PD — 40–50 mW / cm2;

Up to 15–20 local zones per area, exposure to each zone is 1–1.5 minutes, but not more than 20 minutes per procedure.

Also, the gel with the active substance can be applied to the cavity of the nozzle or a condom, which is put on it (preferably), which allows you to administer the medicine directly through the mucous membrane of the intestine or vagina.