Laser against coronaviridae
(Sergey V. Moskvin)
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a physiotherapy method widely used in various fields of medicine in many countries of the world for more than 50 years.
Discoveries in the study of the mechanisms of biomodulating action of low-intensity laser illumination (LILI) of the last 10-15 years allowed us not only to understand in detail, at the level of cells, tissues and the body as a whole, how the healing properties of LILI are implemented, but also to develop the LLLT methodology – i.e. what parameters of the LILI to set, where and how to illuminate to get a guaranteed (with high probability) and reproducible treatment result. In many cases, the method has no analogues in efficiency.
Nonspecificity, i.e., the ability of LLLT to have a healing effect in a wide variety of pathological conditions and diseases, is explained by its positive effect on the body itself, and not on the pathogen. Laser illumination activates the defenses of the human body, eliminates violations in the regulation of various processes, primarily the immune system and trophic support of tissues.
Supporting and/or activating the body’s own defenses in such a natural way allows achieving a true recovery (i.e. with a very long remission, for many months or years) without side effects (such as the development of antibiotic resistance and allergic reactions) and complications, which is an additional positive quality of LLLT.
According to our data, regular, 1-2 times a year, LLLT allows preventing the development of relapses of chronic diseases in almost 100% of cases. Other studies show a significant reduction in the likelihood of viral infecting. In the groups where LLLT was carried out in the initial period of influenza epidemic, the incidence of disease was 10 times lower than the general epidemiological situation in this region.
This LILI property is used to prevent seasonal incidence. Technically, the procedure looks like applying a laser emitting head to 2-3 zones of the human body for 1-2 minutes (5 minutes in total), which is absolutely painless and safe.
It is known that treatment of already ill with atypical pneumonia (SARS), especially caused by a viral infection of the H1N1 type and the coronavirus family, is a more difficult task, therefore, more effective LLLT methods, such as various options of intravenous laser blood illumination (ILBI), should be used. At the same time, the efficiency is approaching 100% (absence of mortality, reduction by 20-40% of the time and cost of hospital treatment).
How it is implemented.
Studies have shown that LLLT is capable to activate:
- Cytokines, including interferons (IFN), which play a key role in the first line of defense against viruses, and adaptive immunity arises.
(IFNα and IFNβ release lymphocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts, some epithelial cells, have antiviral and antitumor activity, stimulate macrophages and natural killers (NK); IFNγ releases T cells and NK, regulates the immune response, and has antiviral and antitumor effects.)
- Phagocytes that are cells of the immune system that protect the body by absorbing (phagocytosis) harmful foreign particles (bacteria, viruses), as well as dead or dying cells.
- Micro and macrocirculation, as well as trophic support of tissues, increasing their resistance to external negative influences.
- Oxygen saturation of tissues.
These properties of LILI allow fighting against a viral infection effectively, both as a means of prevention and as a treatment factor, preventing the development of pulmonary fibrosis during viral pneumonia.
Thus, LLLT is an absolutely safe, highly effective, simple and inexpensive method of treatment and prevention of diseases caused by viral infection. This, as well as the other statements presented above, can be confirmed by scientific publications (in Russian).
The positive results of the use of LLLT in the treatment of SARS caused by various coronaviruses also suggest high efficiency in the case of infection with COVID-19, due to the common pathogenesis of the disease and the mechanisms of biomodulating and therapeutic effect of LLLT.
The necessary equipment kit (min)
Item | Design | Price, $ |
Laser therapy device Lasmik-01 (2 laser channels) | ![]() |
367* |
Laser head ML-904-80 | ![]() |
440 |
Laser head ML-635-40 | ![]() |
1160 |
Optical attachment IPC | ![]() |
22** |
Laser head KL-ILBI-365-2 (UV, wavelength 365 nm) | ![]() |
480 |
Laser head KL-ILBI-525-2 (green, wavelength 525 nm) | ![]() |
320 |
Sterile light guides KIVL-01 | ![]() |
1*** |
* – Each basic block comes with 4 books (cost $84)
Moskvin S.V., Kisselev S.B. Laser therapy for joint and muscle pain. – M.–Tver: Triada, 2017. – 216 p. (Book)
Moskvin S.V., Khadartsev A.A. Basic Techniques of Low Level Laser Therapy. – M.–Tver: Triada, 2017. – 144 p. ISBN 978-5-94789-772-2 (Book)
Moskvin S.V., Kochetkov A.V. Effective Techniques of Low Level Laser Therapy. – M.–Tver: Triada, 2017. – 88 p. ISBN 978-5-94789-771-5 (Book)
Moskvin S.V., Khadartsev A.A. Laser Blood Illumination. The Main Therapeutic Techniques. – M.–Tver: Triada, 2018. – 64 p. ISBN 978-5-94789-818-7 (Book)
** – 2 pcs. minimum
*** – 100 pcs. minimum
Total – $ 2995
In addition to specialized literature, the kit also includes detailed instructions for the use of LLLT for prevention (2-3 procedures for 5 minutes for people who had contact with infected patients) and treatment of patients in a hospital (10-12 daily procedures).
We draw attention to the fact that all kinds of “analogs” of Russian laser therapeutic devices LASMIKâ and fake “methods” (supposedly LLLT), offered by non-professionals and scammers, can lead to discrediting the method and human tragedy.
Information about the author of the publication
Sergey V. Moskvin – Doctor of Biological Sciences, PhD of Technical Sciences, Docent, Leading Researcher of The Federal State-Financed Institution “O.K. Skobelkin State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine under the Federal Medical Biological Agency” of Russia, Moscow, author of more than 580 scientific publications, including more than 55 monographs and 35 copyright certificates and patents
Sergey V. Moskvin is a member of Editorial Board of the following journals: Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery (formerly Photomedicine and Laser Surgery), Open Access Journal of Urology & Nephrology (OAJUN), American Journal of Internal Medicine, Bulletin of Medical Institute “REAVIZ”: Rehabilitation, Physician and Health.