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Impact on the projection of immunocompetent organs

The necessary equipment:

  1. LASMIK laser therapy device
  2. Matrix laser head of pulsed illumination ML-635-40
  3. Matrix laser head of pulsed illumination ML-904-80
  4. Laser head of pulsed illumination LO-904-20
  5. Nozzle mirror ZN-35
  6. Transparent nozzle for PMN matrix heads

Table 6

LT parameters for projections of immunocompetent organs exposure

Parameter Value Note
Wavelength of laser light, nm (spectrum) 904 (IR)
Laser mode Pulse
Light pulse duration, ns 100–150
Power 60–80
Power density 8–10
Frequency, Hz 80–150
Exposure for 1 zone, min 1,5 Exposure is highly restricted
Number of impact zones 1–2
Localization On the projection of immunocompetent organs (lymph nodes, thymus, etc.) Матричная излучающая головка, площадь на поверхности 10 см2 или с одним лазером
Technique Contact or contact-mirror Through a transparent PMN nozzle or a mirror nozzle
Number of procedures per course 8–10 Daily